Tõnis Kahu "Pop-konspekt"

 Mille vastu siis mässatakse? Keskpärasuse ja argisuse vastu. Kuid selleks, et olla eriline, ei pea kompama elu ja surma piiri. Ei pea narkotsi panema ega alkohoolik olema(nagu Jim Morrison), ei pea hästi palju seksima. Juba bluusmuusikas peetakse naist kahtlaseks olendiks, kes ahvatleb meest. Milles on probleem? Vabas ühiskonnas võid sa keppida, keda tahad või üldse mitte keppida. Seks nõrgestab meest ja sellega ei maksa liialdada. Kepihimu ühendab meid primitiivsete organismidega ja selle pärast ei maksa küll uhke olla. Geniaalsed rokkstaarid olid suutelised võimast muusikat looma tänu oma karakterile ja mitte tänu sellele, et nad palju naisi nussisid või ennast täis jõid. Elu ajab tundlikud natuurid jooma; tõsi ta on, kuid parem on elada kui surra.

Sheff: You disagree with Neil Young's lyric in Rust Never Sleeps: "It's better to burn out than to fade away..."
Lennon: I hate it. It's better to fade away like an old soldier than to burn out. If he was talking about burning out like Sid Vicious, forget it. I don't appreciate the worship of dead Sid Vicious or of dead James Dean or dead John Wayne. It's the same thing. Making Sid Vicious a hero, Jim Morrison— it's garbage to me. I worship the people who survive —Gloria Swanson, Greta Garbo. They're saying John Wayne conquered cancer — he whipped it like a man. You know, I'm sorry that he died and all that — I'm sorry for his family — but he didn't whip cancer. It whipped him. I don't want Sean worshiping John Wayne or Johnny Rotten or Sid Vicious. What do they teach you? Nothing. Death. Sid Vicious died for what? So that we might rock? I mean, it's garbage you know. If Neil Young admires that sentiment so much, why doesn't he do it? Because he sure as hell faded away and came back many times, like all of us. No, thank you. I'll take the living and the healthy.

Young, when asked to respond to Lennon's comments two years later, replied:

The rock'n'roll spirit is not survival. Of course the people who play rock'n'roll should survive. But the essence of the rock'n'roll spirit to me, is that it's better to burn out really bright than to sort of decay off into infinity. Even though if you look at it in a mature way, you'll think, "well, yes... you should decay off into infinity, and keep going along". Rock'n'roll doesn't look that far ahead. Rock'n'roll is right now. What's happening right this second. Is it bright? Or is it dim because it's waiting for tomorrow—that's what people want to know. And that's why I say that.

Leek peab põlema surmani, kuid sina pead kontrollima leegi tugevust. Apollon sinus peab valitsema dionüüsilise surmatungi üle. Mina küll ei taha loomastuda. Eneseunustus on kasulik kontrollitud doosides. Inimene ei tohi hakata vihkama halli argipäeva, vaid peab leidma igas päevas naudinguhetki. Mis kuradi allasurutud tungidest ja ihadest see kuradi psühhoanalüüs jahub? Ära mine heast elust lolliks ja tekita endale probleeme!


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